We have six branches of ministries. If there is a will there is a way for you to become active with our Sacred Heart Family. Contact our Ministry Leader and learn how you can become involved with our community as you grow in your relationship with our Lord.
Our day to day operations needs help also. Have extra time help us out with the adminstration aspect of our family.
By being involved in an Outreach Ministry you are helping those in need.
Be part of our community. Get to learn those you spend Sunday's with at mass. Become a family by interacting with one another.
Enjoy yourself by participating with the multi-cultural ministries. Learn to be a family by spending time with one another.
Be part of our Catholic future by helping in our Faith Formation Ministries. Help others learn and understand our faith.
Prayer is a crucial point in our relationship with the Holy Trinity. This is our way of communicating with our Lord.