RCIA Youth (7-16 Years of age)

 RCIA for Youth (7-16 years of age) & Continuing Faith Formation

Registrations are open for 2024-2025 Year 1 and 2 of RCIA Youth:

Please contact the Faith Formation Office to make your appointment:

Por favor de llamar a la oficina de Formación de Fé para hacer una cita:

Packets may be obtained at the Faith Formation Office or by downloading using the GREEN Button below. 
Puede obtener las formas de registracion en la oficina de Formacion de Fe o precionando el Boton VERDE abajo.

You must have your registration packet completed to register:

Necesita tener el paquete completo para las inscripciones:

Note: All documents are to be submitted together. Incomplete packets will be NOT be accepted. 


RCIA Youth 2nd Year: 

Items marked with an asterisk (*) are due at time of registration.


This is an exciting time for your child preparing for the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Each Classroom will only have (15) children.

  1. Completed Registration Packet*
  2. Baptism & Birth Certificate (if we have not received it) *
  3. Year 1 Tuition paid in full*
  4. Parent formation Card for 2024-2025
  5. Year 2 Tuition $120.00* ($50 books, $70 Materials, copying, etc.) *
  6. Sponsor Form

Sponsor:( Sponsor cannot be a parent, must be over 16years old, must provide copy of the certificate of the Sacrament of Confirmation & if married must provide Roman Catholic Wedding Certificate)


  1. Sponsor Form, signed and sealed by Sponsor's home parish.

RCIA Youth Year 1

Items marked with an asterisk (*) are due at time of registration.


This is an exciting time for your child preparing for the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Each Classroom will only have (15) children with social distancing and following all protocols for a safe environment) 

  1. Completed Registration Packet*
  2. Baptism & Birth Certificate (if we have not received it) *
  3. Year 1 Tuition paid in full*
  4. Parent formation Card for 2022-2023
  5. Year 2 Tuition $120.00* ($50 books, $70 Materials, copying, etc.) *
  6. Sponsor Form

Sponsor:( Sponsor cannot be a parent, must be over 16years old, must provide copy of the certificate of the Sacrament of Confirmation & if married must provide Roman Catholic Wedding Certificate)


  1. Sponsor Form, signed and sealed by Sponsor's home parish.

Print Registration Form Forma de Inscripción
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