Sacrament of Baptism

Sacrament of Baptism

Children Under 6 years

This is an exciting moment in time and we congratulate you for taking the initial steps to baptize your child. Obtain Baptism Package (English / Spanish).

Note: All documents are to be submitted together. No incomplete packages will be accepted. There is an administrative fee of $75.00.

As parents you have a few things you need to do:

1. Complete the Information Form included in the Baptism Package
2. Provide a copy of the child's birth certificate from the County's Record Office.
3. Attend a Pre-Baptismal Class. Dates, time and location of class can be found in the Baptismal Package
4. If you are not registered and live outside of our canonical boundary you must provide a Permission Letter from the Parish that pertains to your neighborhood.
5. All documents must be submitted to the office by the registration deadline. Deadlines are listed in the Baptismal Package.
6. Select a Godparent. Only one godparent is needed, should you choose to have two godparents they must be a male and female.

To be a godparent all listed below must apply:

1. Must be 16 years or older
2. Must have completed the Sacraments of Baptism, Eucharist, & Confirmation. (If married, the Sacrament of Marriage through the Catholic Church is also a requirement). 

As godparents you have these items that you need to complete:

1. Attend a Pre-Baptismal Class. Dates, time and location of class can be found in the Baptismal Package. If you do not belong to our parish and/or live far from our parish you are welcomed to attend the pre-baptismal class at your parish. Proof that the class was taken must be submitted along with the parents' documents.
2. Complete the Godparent Form found in the Baptismal Package. This form is an affidavit that affirms the Godparent is baptized and Confirmed Catholic, living a Catholic faith and in good standing. 

3. If Godparent is single, you Must provide copy of Confirmation Certificate. If married Godparents must provide a copy of the Roman Catholic Marriage Certificate and a copy of their Confirmation Certificate. 

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